Do any of the readers have the old address for the Blue Star Hotel in Kathmandu. I can't remember exactly where it was but I am lead to believe it is now a car park. I have tried to 'Google Earth' the area but the old Kathmandu has changed a lot since I was last there. Sad after all the time and good times I can't even remember where the place was. Perhaps that is as a result of all the good times I had there. So if any of you people who have a memory like a steel trap and I know there are a few of you, could you please put me out of my misery?
Bluestar Hotel
P. O. BOX: 983 Tripureshwar, Kathmandu, Nepal
Thank you to those that have tried to point me in the right direction. Some web links don't connect but more interestingly is the Blue Star is on the move. I have visited a variety of web sites to find the maps takes me to various positions around Kathmandu. At times I thought "I am onto it now" well I am taken to areas close to each other but nothing I remember. Grrrrr! The more I look the more I become confused. One address given was 983 Tripura Marg (street) but Google can't find that exact address but everything takes me places I don't remember. Yes their is a variety of sites that mention and show the Blue Star but I just cannot get onto it. Come on you with the great memory take me there.
2JA Nepali from work,returned to Kat for a holiday and reported the old Hotel Blue Star is now a shopping mall.
This post was updated on Jul 31, 2012; 10:51pm.
O.K. where is it? I have said there are various websites to book accommodation for either the Blue Star Hotel or the Bluestar Hotel and now I hear it could even be a mall by now. I would still like to know exactly where it is or where it was. From memory, bad memory that is, once we drove drove down the Raj Path from Pokhara towards Kathmandu it was not far off that road. Again the landscape has changed a lot making it hard to relocate it. One picture I have in the Nepal Slides shows a temple, I think called the temple of Shiva, which I believe was taken from the Blue Star. By this picture the hotel would have been been slightly to the left of the temple with the river in the background. After locating the temple I still have difficulty in placing the hotel. Wasn't the hotel nearly on a corner with the river to the left and the main part of the city to the right?
Simon you are the man for remembering fine details, help me.
They're must be an ex courier or Travel Agent that had all the mailing addresses for the Overland tours. Maybe an ex passenger may still have an address for you. Blokes like "Passport" "Johnno" "KD" might be of some help.
Whats the big interest in the Blue Star Hotel address?
It just annoys me to think I that I cannot remember where it was. The place holds some fond memories and probably for many others. I used to get lost a bit when I was over there, what hope would I have now? You think you still know just how to get around most of the places but this is a good indication for me that if I had to do it now days, lord only knows where I would end up.
If you came down the hill from NEW ROAD, you would come to a roundabout, on your left was the stadium, at the roundabout veer to the left and if you were on a bike you always gave the bus stop a wide berth at the roundabout as Nepali's were good at spitting. From the roundabout, head straight ahead for 200-300 meters and on the left was the Hotel.
I to have fond memories of the Blue Star, I can't remember all their names but I can picture their faces.
There was the grumpy old owner.
Manik, Anil was Manik's offsider and I think the girl was named Yolly.
If you think Kathmandu has changed, then Google Earth (POKHARA) and you will be blown away by how it has grown. In our time you couldn't get lost in Pokhara unless you got bogged in the lake, but now we would all have a problem getting around.
I tend to agree with your second link. This lines up with both a couple of addresses given from other websites for the Blue Star and it supports the picture I referred to under "Nepal Slides." Thank you and unless I learn otherwise I will sleep tonight believing the problem is solved.
Sleep easy Vicar.
Dashrath Stadium at Google Maps gives you the area and as mentioned by Kit ,the old Blue Star is now denoted by Bluebird Dept Store and at the rear is Bluebird Hotel.
Manik was the Manager,and Jolly the receptionist.
I am happy with that. After all that it does fit in with some of my sketchy memories. Shiva temple opposite, river just around to the right and right out of the hotel towards the main square. So very satisfied and thanks everyone for your in-put.
I was staying there on a layover between trips with Haggis.
Haggis decided that we were being looked after quite well by the Blue Star staff, and offered to take them to a park for a picnic.
We loaded the bus with cookers, equipment, and servants, then the staff.
I can't remember exactly where we went, but it was about half and hour away.
Everything was unloaded, and the servants started to prepare lunch.
Blankets spread around the park, with the staff (management) betting on which leaf would fall from the tree next.
Spent about two hours there, then returned. About 30 people went altogther, and it was a great afternoon.
Manik and Jolly, the Hotel owner and a number of other people went. Haggis did a great job of coming up with the idea, then making sure it worked.
Great Hotel, and greta people. Great memories.
I'll check out my card collection, so stay posted
Now that you have mentioned Haggis, do you happen to know what he is up to these days?
Hi Col,
I heard that he had died some years ago. I never found out whether the info was accurate.
He left me with memories of a drunken and naked scots man sliding across the reception floor at the Blue Star as a party of Germans arrived.
Fortunately Haggis was in no state to take offence at the comments, which was just as well as we left him there for a while :-)
Thanks for the information about Haggis. He was never one to hold back, he was out to enjoy life to the fullest.
He once had a Mongoose for a pet, he got rid of it after it somehow got under the dash board of the coach and started chewing on the electrical wiring.