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india overland 1980?

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india overland 1980?

Anyone go on the india overland 1980 Karachi-Kathmandu chris patterson was the courier and we had a chinese ozzy driver laughing buddah and dean watson was a passenger on his way to oz.The start of several trips to india and nepal and also tibet what a trip!
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Re: india overland 1980?

Peter if you look through the slides of the 'Reunion 1985' you may see a picture of your laughing Chinese/Australian driver. I have a suspicion it could have been Peter, Peter Chong I remember as his full name.
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Re: india overland 1980?

kit carr
Peter Cheong, Melbourne
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Re: india overland 1980?

Yeah that's the guy

On 12 July 2012 07:24, kit carr [via sundownersadventures] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Peter Cheong, Melbourne

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Re: india overland 1980?

My mistake it was india overland 1981 not 1980 still what a trip
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Re: india overland 1980?

I don't have any contacts for Peter Cheong otherwise I would try to put you in touch.
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Re: india overland 1980?

Peter, (Cheong) otherwise known as "Charlie" or on the Oktoberfest week as "EinStein" due to his inability to consume more than one beer. Now resides in Langwarrin on the outskirts of Melbourne, with his wife Kay who was his passenger on a troika Tour of "80/ 81?
He is not particularly computer savvy, so our son got him this far then he chickened out.
He has been enjoying checking out the old photos and memories and I'm sure would be happy to recconnect with anyone wishing to reminisce old times.
Peter cheong
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Re: india overland 1980?

How dam fantastic. It is sooooooooooo good to know you are still out there. Peter don't be put off with the new technology I once made a miss steak, well okay twice but funny enough I did not bring cyber space to its knees. As you can see some of the pictures feature your good self. By the way I hope your visited the Reunion pictures of 1985. If you would rather make contact direct then use the "Home" page of the website and at the bottom of that page there is a contact sheet. Once you write there I get your email address and with your permission would pass that on to interested parties. That way you can be put in touch on a one on one basis.

It is a pity I did not see you name mentioned as joining us at the reunion next weekend.
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Re: india overland 1980?

Pete Sennett
In reply to this post by Charlie
Thanks for the reply,bit fuzzy about exact year chris patterson was the courier what a great trip,  and dean watson was using the trip to travel back to oz.The passengers were a great lot with the usual odd balls areal dope head all ways lighting up and a american female lawer who went ape shit when some one took a snap of her having a joint at the kyber pass.Peter won't remember who would i was bus guru,having stopped  up in kashmir for 5 being nearly last off bus noticed we were rolling backwards so promptly lept into drivers seat to apply brakes as you would.There was a couple who picked up hepatitus in turkey he was an odd bod.1st time to kathmandu interesting to say the least,one of many visits last being 2009 it's changed for the worst i think no more rick shaws just 1000s of scooters,oh yeah interesting night in a hotel room in rawalpindi the company used,and to close the old blue star hotel is no more turned into a supermarket or some think.

Cheers Pete Sennett
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Re: india overland 1980?

kit carr
Peter Cheong will forever be remembered by me for culinary enlightened purchase of some "Fray Bentos" tinned pies for a flyer trip I did with Vicar in 1978.

Peter had to buy the food for us, and as we decided to enjoy one of these tinned wonders while driving in eastern turkey we read the instructions on the can. "Remove from can and place in a moderate oven for 40 minutes"

Boiled pies just don't taste the same :-)

Nice to hear from you Peter and Kay

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Re: india overland 1980?

Chris Mckay
In reply to this post by pete21953
Charlie /Peter,great to hear your still out there,(fray- bentos)must have been your favourate food .I did a flyer from London to Kathmandu with Kit in 1981 in JTE and LTD ,and from Iran to Quetta that was our staple diet cooked on a gas burner designed to make a cup of tea,pluss heat the pies,
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Re: india overland 1980?

kit carr
Thanks Plough,

My memory went wrong. Yours was the Fray Bentos flyer, not the one I did with Vicar.

I saw one (A fray Bentos pie) recently somewhere, and couldn't help grinning.
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Re: india overland 1980?

In reply to this post by Pete Sennett
On 29/09/2012 4:09 AM, Pete Sennett [via sundownersadventures] wrote:
Thanks for the reply,bit fuzzy about exact year chris patterson was the courier what a great trip,  and dean watson was using the trip to travel back to oz.The passengers were a great lot with the usual odd balls areal dope head all ways lighting up and a american female lawer who went ape shit when some one took a snap of her having a joint at the kyber pass.Peter won't remember who would i was bus guru,having stopped  up in kashmir for 5 being nearly last off bus noticed we were rolling backwards so promptly lept into drivers seat to apply brakes as you would.There was a couple who picked up hepatitus in turkey he was an odd bod.1st time to kathmandu interesting to say the least,one of many visits last being 2009 it's changed for the worst i think no more rick shaws just 1000s of scooters,oh yeah interesting night in a hotel room in rawalpindi the company used,and to close the old blue star hotel is no more turned into a supermarket or some think.

Cheers Pete Sennett

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Hi Peter
Thanks for bringing some of those old memories,ended up doing quite a few of the Karachi - Katmandu/Katmandu-Karachi sectors and ended up selling OWO to the Nepalese,heard the kept it going for quite some time afterwards
I dont think they ever replaced those rear windows.
Always had a job to come back to in the family Co. and lifes been pretty good.
Thanks for touching base Peter and if you would like to keep in touch an email address
[hidden email].
Peter cheong  (charlie)
Peter cheong
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Re: india overland 1980?

In reply to this post by kit carr
On 29/09/2012 5:44 AM, kit carr [via sundownersadventures] wrote:
Peter Cheong will forever be remembered by me for culinary enlightened purchase of some "Fray Bentos" tinned pies for a flyer trip I did with Vicar in 1978.

Peter had to buy the food for us, and as we decided to enjoy one of these tinned wonders while driving in eastern turkey we read the instructions on the can. "Remove from can and place in a moderate oven for 40 minutes"

Boiled pies just don't taste the same :-)

Nice to hear from you Peter and Kay


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Hi Guys
Thanks Kit,Vicker and Chris for touching base, I had all but forgotton about Fray Bentos Pies in fact nothing better
than trying the local Pies when ever I am travelling.
I hope your all have a great time at the 2012 Sundowners Reunion, my only excuse for not making the effort
is being slack and as I dont keep in touch with anyone times caught up.I just happen to be playing around with the Computer and came across the Sundowners Website,what a great idea Vicker.
I remember the Reunion in NZ, although cant remember the year ,especially on the Golf Course with my
job pouring shots of Jugermister if any player  stuffed up.
Is there a Programme for the current Reunion,or is it going to be one big beach party.
Lifes been very good back home going back into the family Business and in 2000 started my own still in Healthcare
A contact ; [hidden email]
By the way where was the reunion in 85.
Once again all the best for the 2012 Sundowners and pass on my regards to everyone
Charlie (Peter Cheong)
Peter cheong