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Seven Hills Rome. I called into the campsite a few years ago with my missus and my elder son Tim and his mate. It was just like yesterday as me and Tony jumped all over each other, plenty of backslapping much to the delight of my son.

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Seven Hills Rome. I called into the campsite a few years ago with my missus and my elder son Tim and his mate. It was just like yesterday as me and Tony jumped all over each other, plenty of backslapping much to the delight of my son.

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Re: Seven Hills Rome. I called into the campsite a few years ago with my missus and my elder son Tim and his mate. It was just like yesterday as me and Tony jumped all over each other, plenty of backslapping much to the delight of my son.

72 posts
Eric Black was the reason I started bus driving in Europe ! (and by inference he has a lot to answer for). It started when I was living with his mother......no,no,..no...repharse..I was boarding with his mother in Blayney NSW. I got the job of "vetting" the mail he sent to the family and I soon realised that working on the buses in Europe had certain enticing advantages, I also undertook mundane tasks like doing his Tax returns for him.
Some years later I was working for Capricorn in the yard next to Auto Tours workshop in London and was sent to Amsterdam in the blue Daff van with a tool box and a big roller jack to repair an Auto Tours coach which was having clutch problems. When I got to the camping ground in Amsterdam I found the problem was a broken rod between the clutch master and slave cylinders which took about two minutes to fix. While we were cleaning up a suntanned body went passed in black shorts with "Ecka's" emblazoned in white writing at a strategic location at the front and I went and introduced myself by saying something like "hello, I've been signing your Tax declarations" which got his attention. I was invited to join his Red Light Tour that evening and only clearly remember waking up next morning with a severe hangover.
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Re: Seven Hills Rome. I called into the campsite a few years ago with my missus and my elder son Tim and his mate. It was just like yesterday as me and Tony jumped all over each other, plenty of backslapping much to the delight of my son.

Mike McDermott
168 posts
In reply to this post by Ecka
Sad news from Seven Hills today. Two Aussie girls died there.

Allegations of excessive drinking and drug taking.

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Re: Seven Hills Rome. I called into the campsite a few years ago with my missus and my elder son Tim and his mate. It was just like yesterday as me and Tony jumped all over each other, plenty of backslapping much to the delight of my son.

Mike McDermott
168 posts
It now seems that the reports about drugs and alcohol causing the death of the Aussie girl were false.


Seeing things from the parental side as I now do, that may be a small easing of their pain.

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Re: Seven Hills Rome. I called into the campsite a few years ago with my missus and my elder son Tim and his mate. It was just like yesterday as me and Tony jumped all over each other, plenty of backslapping much to the delight of my son.

ann stapleton
1 post
In reply to this post by Ecka
ecka you were the best courier ever our cossack tour in 1977 june was unforgetable claire
polkinghorne and i are still great friends
thanks for the great memories
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Re: Seven Hills Rome. I called into the campsite a few years ago with my missus and my elder son Tim and his mate. It was just like yesterday as me and Tony jumped all over each other, plenty of backslapping much to the delight of my son.

1 post
Hi Ann,

Good to see you comments and glad that Claire is still up and about.