I did a Russian Scandy with Fingers, and learnt of his death quite a while ago now.
Let's not forget Bob Newton; as I understand it, he was killed when his plane crashed while fighting bushfires in Victoria. Back in the days, he took me up for a flight in the world's oldest operational Tiger Moth, I think at Farnborough. It was still pretty sprightly; Bob put it - and me -through its paces. Did anyone else have that pleasure?
;-). Sounds like Bob. I really can't say I remember that car, though; I don't have your prodigious memory for vehicles and routes (spell the last word differently, though, and I'm OK). However, when I read what you said a neuron flashed in what remains of my brain of a mini with a pale greeny / beigy colour.
Peter rang me one day and asked about moving some stuff in Auckland for a conference. Everything was fine.
He rang me back a week later, and I asked how he was (polite stuff, no reason to ask). He said "That why I am ringing. The truth is I am not too good. I went to the doctor for a check up, and he sent me off for an X ray. The cancer was moving so fast it was almost a movie".
2 days later he died.
Sad stuff, but no drawn out health issues at least.