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Once a Wallah..Always a Wallah

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Once a Wallah..Always a Wallah

Charles Caine
Hey,Vicar and all...Don'tknow if this is going into Cyber Space or where...Great to hear so from all the missing links,in ones life....Well have a good read and find out wot ones bin upto....I went over in '79,Ship Jet was the way to go....Heard about OverLand but found ,If you Copped Sid would cost 10%,Shirley it was no Front seats,Mike....Didn't wear the trousers,Kit....we Aussies were worried about a guy named "Kit" and theres many other excuses(Too Soft).....Lobbed in London '79,Bummed around,and then did Wanderer 10...With Patch(Ray Stokes0,A Pom...The Ol' "If It were Raining Virgins" Stuff...Actually the best Pom I ever met.....Avoided all the others!!!!!Then after meeting this Suave lookin Mr Ding There was a Wallah's job at Hogarth Place...A man's gotta earn a Quid!!!The intggage  
verveiw with Al Maher,Went well...I'm from W.A...So am I,sorted....The job was cruisy,til John W, wanted the tickets picked up....Every day..Saw London slowly,Trained up by Pete Norris,to get outa the little wagon......Paid the rates ,with a few others,for the Albany...Worked for Sweeny at CCT (thats another story).....Married a Kiwi Girl(Vic From Vikings sister)Left Uk In '82.Worked as a sparky in the mines for 20 yrs...Left and now working as a Baggage Technician at Perth Airport...Shit I;m a Wallah agin...Hope this finds you all well Charles Caine...
Charlie Wallah
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Re: Once a Wallah..Always a Wallah

Colin Davidson
Baggage Technician!!! hhummmmm, does that mean you have been promoted? So you're now in charge of the boot packers???
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Re: Once a Wallah..Always a Wallah

In reply to this post by Charles Caine
Hi Charlie,

Sounds like you inherited my job as Hogarth chief office wallah extrordinaire. Tough at the top as they used to say. Alan Maher was there when I left. Did all the embassies rounds to pickup visas and afternoon collecting tickets from the London bucket shops for John W and Sarah Bear. Did she ever touch you on the ...... ? no that"s another story for the re union. Got to know the backstreets of Soho pretty well and places you could park without gettiing fined or towed away.
Well if it was not so rewarding but at least it was not boring.

 And where better to relax after a hard day in the office that the Albany to wash away those troubles and indeed there must have been many troubles to exfoliate.

Great to hear from you.

Wallah Johnno

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Re: Once a Wallah..Always a Wallah

Sandra Aranha (Sandy these days)
In reply to this post by Charles Caine
hello Mr Wallah - you look like rolf harris in your piccie - maybe you can get 'doubles' work - trust british paints.... sure can!
Glad to hear you are well and happy - this is me these days - www.sandygandhi.com.au
well and happy too,
Namaste from Byron Bay
Sandy x