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Memories from 1976-1978

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Re: Memories from 1976-1978

Gaye Miller
Hi Jon. Lovely to hear from you. I see Rocky has replied also. I have a heap of photos in a box out in our garage. One of these days when I get to it I will see what exactly I do have. I would be happy to scan them and email to you. I am not sure when I will get to it - but will put it on my list.  It is very cool that people seem to be getting in touch after all these years.
Kind regards
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Re: Memories from 1976-1978

Gaye Miller
In reply to this post by Lee Eccleston
Hi Rocky, Hopefully when I am next in Sydney perhaps we maybe able to get together? What about Passport - is he still in Sydney?
Keep in touch.
Cheers - Gaye
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Re: Memories from 1976-1978

Jon Faulds
In reply to this post by Gaye Miller
Hi Gaye and Rocky - thank you both for getting back to me!  I have a lot of great memories from that trip and am still amazed we were able to get through Iran and Afghanistan at that time - I have a very clear recollection of a mob led by clerics surrounding the bus in what I think was Qom!  I don't think I realized how challenging the situation was for the crew.

I'm still living in western Canada - split up with my ex-wife (Judy) in the early 90s and am very happily remarried with two younger kids (11 and 13).  I've talked so much about that trip that we're trying to organize and expedition to India and other points in Asia.

Gaye - I appreciate the offer of pics in due course.  I'd be really happy to get them when you get to that point on your list!  Rocky - no worries re the name face thing.  I would send a current picture but I don't think it would help!  Have a hard time imagining you retired!  Take care both!

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Re: Memories from 1976-1978

Lee Eccleston
In reply to this post by Gaye Miller
Hi Gaye
Yes definitely.let us know when you are in Sydney.Given enough notice ,should be able to round up a lot of old crew. Passport is still around.Usually see him 2 or 3 times a year.