I was rapt to receive the website etc from Ross Ruff just a few days ago....How great it is to have this where everyone can keep in touch..I have been back in NZ since Xmas 1978 after finishing working in the Sundowner's office in London as Secretary/PA for 2 and a half years and did the overland trip to Kathmandu with Rocky and Barney....What a pretty hairy trip that was with most of the borders being shut just after we got through, backing out of Qom and driving through the night to Isfahan and arriving the day of the Sha's birthday - it was quite a trip and one of a lifetime....Have really only kept in touch with Ross as he married one of my good friends Rob..Saw KD once at the airport and have had limited correspondence via face book with Barney - that's about it.. 2 years ago my husband and I moved from Auckland down to the Bay of Plenty and have 3 acres and we just love it...My son lives in Sydney and I have just spent 10 days there with my daughter who took me over for a holiday and to meet my new granddaughter 6 weeks old. Got home yesterday...Hopefully next trip across I may be able to connect with some of you...If anyone lives in the Bay - please drop me a line....I recently came across heaps of Postcards from all the couriers and drivers when one time I had a 'bad post card competition' very cool...
Hey! I remember you. Welcome to our world-wide-website. Gradually we are getting the existence of the site out there and it is fantastic when we are able to learn at least something about the lost flock. Particularly at the launch of the site it was amazing how deep and long our few years of involvement has lasted.
Any old pictures or postcards to share Gaye? If you need any assistance with that contact me via the contact area on the home page.
Hi Gaye,
Nice to hear from you
Happy to catch up for a coffee next time I am in the bay (not that often) if it suits
This post was updated on May 13, 2013; 11:00am.
Hi Kit, Ditto - great to hear back...Be wonderful to see you if you are in the Bay - any time..Are you still in the family trucking business? ..Be nice to catch up on the past many years etc.
All the best
Gaye McCartney
From: kit carr [via sundownersadventures] <ml-node+s1053809n5706694h86@n5.nabble.com> To: Gaye Miller <Barmark.Estate@xtra.co.nz>
Sent: Saturday, 11 May 2013 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: Memories from 1976-1978
Hi Gaye,
Nice to hear from you
Happy to catch up for a coffee next time I am in the bay (not that often) if it suits
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Hi Vicar, lovely to hear from you too...I'm glad you remember me...after working 2.5 years in the Office at Sundowners I would be a bit sad if you didn't lol. I have some old photos and postcards etc and when I get a chance to find them I will...Hugo, my husband and I love being down in the Bay of Plenty - my original stomping ground when growing up. We are catching our breath as one week after moving down here in Feb 2011 Hugo's daughter and husband and their 2 children arrived here and never left..Sadly Hugo's daughter had been diagnosed with melanoma and we then found her husband also had cancer...We nursed them both and they sadly passed away within 2 months of each other..We had the grandchildren until 2 days before last Xmas and they are now living in Auckland with their Aunty....I know everyone has their stories but its so important to have your health because without that - you have nothing...I am currently looking for a job as we have to somehow pay our debts...My husband has retired and one year ago gone March underwent a triple by-pass at Waikato hospital in Hamilton...Robyn and Ross Ruff and their families and our family and friends have been amazing...Every day is a good day...That's why looking back at memories in London with Sundowners are precious...Talk soon.
Ouch! and double ouch! Make that a triple but please no more.
Hi Gaye,
If I was you, I would edit you're post to Kit. You have told the wide world of your home address. I'm only saying this, because there are some sick people in this world.
Just go to OPTIONS and hit edit post.
The ball is in your court.
Regards Col
Thanks - yes so true will do...Oh sometimes we do dumb things thinking we are all nice people...Thanks again
Hi Gaye ,
Glad to hear from you and life is treating you well. I catch up with Greg (OZ) Osborne when he comes to Aus on buisness its great that this website is renewing old freindships.
,,,, i am starting to think we may need another reunion in the next couple of years.
Stay safe
Greg (silver ) Read
Silver moves are afoot. Ron is already starting to get something organized. I passed Gaye's email address onto Cas Graham who has a list of people to contact.
Hi Greg, Great hearing from you too - after all these years and the website is great renewing old friendships!!I did hear that Greg Ozborne was still in Auckland and nice you can catch up with him..Where are you based? Definitely a Reunion would be great at some stage in the next little while...Time marches by us so quickly and when Grandchildren start arriving it reminds us of our age! Do you have a wife/children/grandchildren?
I still keep in touch with quite a few of the Top Deck crew as a few of them were from my hometown here in the Bay. When I started working at Sundowners I was actually living in the Top Deck flat and doing some typing for Graham (Screw) Turner as well as my day job in a London firm of solicitors. Actually just saw at Xmas - Rex Julian and his lady (one of my best friends - Kerrie Ware)..Rex worked as a courier for years (you would never forget Rex) and actually was in the initial set up of Flight Centre when he returned from the UK to Sydney...His partner Kerrie worked in the Top Deck office for years too...
Keep in touch
Settled back on the Gold Coast ,,, Opened my own Architectural Practice a couple of years after i saw you in Auckland ,,, Yes,,,, married 2 children ,,, no adults now Kirsten 28 ,, Lewis 24.
Greg is still in Auckland and now Manager for Tempo Holidays,,,,,,
Vicar glad to here there are thoughts about another reunion in the near future.
Cheers for now Greg (silver ) Read
Just found this forum as I have begun digitising my photos from the trip in 1978 with the idea to make a photo book. My trip was Overland Katmandu to London , February - May. I didn't keep any brochures of the trip or route. Luckily when I came home I made a list of all the photos and where they were taken. I travelled with another Jane from Perth. I was the taller and skinnier of the two. Lee was our courier and Darcy the driver. We broke down a couple of times. Would appreciate anyone contacting me if they have a brochure they could scan. Haven't been in touch with anyone from the trip since, except for the other Jane.
cheers Jane
Hi! Jane.
Do you recall what the trip name was? E.G. Alexander, Caravan, Troika etc. If you can let the forum know someone might have an old itinerary.
http://www.indiaoverland.biz/overland/Documents/SundownersBrochure.pdfHi Jane, If you click on the link above it will take you to the 1978 Sundowners Brochure,I hope the years have been good to you, I was talking to Lee(Rocky) yesterday we catch up occasionally for a chat , I no longer live in Sydney so its only a couple of times a year that I see him, we both have fond memories of that tour although over the years faces tend to become hazy. I did have a look at the trip photo and I think that I can pick out both you and Jane, Ican be found on san.dar@bigpond.com, if you have any questions or would just like to catch up
Darcy Waller
Hmmm thats a puzzle. Not sure of the name but we travelled by bus so maybe Caravan? The trip started in Singapore, then on to Bangkok, Katmandu and overland to London. 3 1/2 months. We didnt go to Egypt or Israel.
Hi Darcy,
That is amazing. I never expected to get such a quick response and to get a copy of the brochure. Thanks so much. I remembered it the moment I saw it. I also found a photo of the group in front of the Taj Mahal and luckily had with everyones names on the back.
I still live in Perth and love to travel.. family and work has limited that over the years. Lovely to hear from you.
cheers Jane
Darcy Waller I was on the Eastern Europe trip with you where we crashed the bus just as we were leaving Russia and the engine blew up in Krakow.
Amazing to see your post.
Hi Gaye,
I'm guessing from your description of that late 1978 trip with Rocky and Barney as crew that it was the same trip my ex-wife and I were on. We were the two Canadians. I've often wondered what became of everyone on that bus. Unfortunately I lost all my pictures from the trip when we split up so if you can point me to any on this site or elsewhere I'd be grateful. It was a trip to remember!
Hi Jon
Rocky here.I went through an old box of photos and found the group photo taken at the Taj,November 1978.Our tour was named Caravan a six week hotel tour London to Kathmandu.
We were lucky to get out of Iran unscathed.After 1978 there were no more overlands to go to both Iran and Afghanistan.
I don't have any other photos of that trip.You may remember I surrendered my camera to an Iranian Army Officer as we approached Esfahan after an overnight drive.Our hotel in Hamadan had been firebombed.
There were a number of couples on that tour and I can't put your name to a face.Sorry.
I keep in contact with Barney,usually by email.He lives in Southern Spain and works as a diving supervisor ,currently off the coast of Denmark.
Tom Sawyer and I keep in contact by phone .He is a Builder ,has been living in Darwin for many years.Hope to catch up with him at Sundowners reunion in October at the Gold Coast.
I am retired since last year ,married to Kerrie ,we live in Sydney .