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Happy Birthday Vicar

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Happy Birthday Vicar

Lee Eccleston
A significant birthday.Many happy returns.
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Re: Happy Birthday Vicar

kit carr
All birthdays are significant after a certain age.

Being there to have one becomes a major gain :-)

Happy Birthday Vicar

Nice thought Rocky, thanks
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Re: Happy Birthday Vicar

In reply to this post by Lee Eccleston
Thanks guys. Without getting too philosophical it is always great to celebrate another birthday. It makes me stop and think about those I knew who did not make this far. Anyway it is happy times made better by friends and family.

Remind me to have a lemonade with you when we see each other at the reunion.
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Re: Happy Birthday Vicar

Whats happened, did Vicar turn 100 and nobody told me?
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Re: Happy Birthday Vicar

Vicar turned 6.....6....6.....6......60 and plenty of people let me know.
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Re: Happy Birthday Vicar

Congratultions Vicar, hope you had a good day, I think i told you Luigi and myself returned to Austria to go skiing this year. As we had such a good time, we have decided to do it again in 2014 when we both turn the big 6+0. At this stage we have 8 other Ex-Londoner people saying the are coming with us
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Happy Birthday Vicar

Helen McNab
In reply to this post by Lee Eccleston
A BIG Happy 60th Birthday to you Vicar!
We must have just hit london when you had your birthday in 1978. Do you remember? We had our  overland reunion the night before, in Earl's Courthinese restaurant. Some of us from that trip are also turning 60 this year - Kathy had her birthday yesterday. Mine's in October.

If I said CYTA, AL178, would that help?
Lyn and Merle, Linda and Kathy, Robert and Ron and Paul and Chris. Lucy, with drugs in her bun! Trish and Phillipa, Robyn and Helen (or i should say Peter). Jenine and Anne McDonald. Brenda and Ann and
Is it ringing any bells yet?

I wrote a poem - The Overland Epic, that Ii read on the bus y before we arrived in London. i have read it again: at our 10th Reunion, our 15th, I missed the 20th, at the 30th reuniond will pull it out again at the 35th Reunion next year!! You are fondly remembered by us all. We tried hard to find you for our 15th. I think Carolyn may have had a letter from you.

And blow-me-away! There you are on the Sundowners website. I have read your news on another email. Some of the Overlanders are among my best friends. Much news about all the others . .
Would you like to join us for a w/e next year for our 35th reunion? OR are you ever in Sydney? We could pull the Sydney group together quite easily if you were to be in town.

Anyway, enjoy your 60th year, and have a great decade!

With warm regards from,
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Re: Happy Birthday Vicar

Helen McNab
In reply to this post by Vicar
A BIG Happy 60th Birthday to you Vicar!
We must have just hit london when you had your birthday in 1978. Do you remember? We had our  overland reunion the night before, in Earl's Courthinese restaurant. Some of us from that trip are also turning 60 this year - Kathy had her birthday yesterday. Mine's in October.
If I said CYTA, AL178, would that help?
Lyn and Merle, Linda and Kathy, Robert and Ron and Paul and Chris. Lucy, with drugs in her bun! Trish and Phillipa, Robyn and Helen (or i should say Peter). Jenine and Anne McDonald. Brenda and Ann and
 Is it ringing any bells yet?

I wrote a poem - The Overland Epic, that Ii read on the bus y before we arrived in London. i have read it again: at our 10th Reunion, our 15th, I missed the 20th, at the 30th reuniond will pull it out again at the 35th Reunion next year!! You are fondly remembered by us all. We tried hard to find you for our 15th. I think Carolyn may have had a letter from you.
And blow-me-away! There you are on the Sundowners website. I have read your news on another email. Some of the Overlanders are among my best friends. Much news about all the others . .
 Would you like to join us for a w/e next year for our 35th reunion? OR are you ever in Sydney? We could pull the Sydney group together quite easily if you were to be in town.
Anyway, enjoy your 60th year, and have a great decade!

With warm regards from,
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Re: Happy Birthday Vicar

ann stapleton
In reply to this post by Lee Eccleston
lee were you on a cossak trip with sundowners in july 1977
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Re: Happy Birthday Vicar

In reply to this post by Helen McNab
Well, well, well as soon as I read your name I have said to myself now there is a name I remember. As you listed more names from the trip, memories flooded over me.

I thought you guys might better remember me by my actual name. I know that there was some reluctance to call me by my clergy name.

I am curious as to how you came across the website but I am glad you did.

If you wish to contact me direct, for further discussion, then contact me on the home page of the website. This way I get your email address and we can correspond direct. I would love to hear and tell more.

Did you notice the picture of our tour under the heading of 'Slides- Various'? There we all are and there are some pictures of Peter Lightfoot on the site also.
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Re: Happy Birthday Vicar

Helen McNab
I tried that. I'm at [hidden email]
Send me your address. 
I just googled your name! I was checking out to see if Sundowners came up in a google search, and found the site with all the emails. The first one mentioned Vicker. I thought to myself, I think that's our Vicar. No, I don't think we minded your nickname
; ) 
I'm so excited!! The others will be stoked too. I'll keep you a secret for a while. Ha ha
We all get together once a year at Carolyn's, and many of us more often in smaller groups.
Much to tell you. 34 years worth!
Sent from my iPhone

On 28/05/2012, at 5:56 PM, "Vicar [via sundownersadventures]" <[hidden email]> wrote:

Well, well, well as soon as I read your name I have said to myself now there is a name I remember. As you listed more names from the trip, memories flooded over me.

I thought you guys might better remember me by my actual name. I know that there was some reluctance to call me by my clergy name.

I am curious as to how you came across the website but I am glad you did.

If you wish to contact me direct, for further discussion, then contact me on the home page of the website. This way I get your email address and we can correspond direct. I would love to hear and tell more.

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Re: Happy Birthday Vicar

You can email me at       graham.preiss@gmail.com
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Re: Happy Birthday Vicar

Lee Eccleston
In reply to this post by ann stapleton
I started with Sundowners in 1977,didn't go to Russia on a Cossack until 1979
Lee Eccleston
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Re: Happy Birthday Vicar

In reply to this post by Lee Eccleston
Congratulations Vicar, hope you had a good day on your birthday!! I was also thinking for my birthday party celebrations and want to know which Las Vegas restaurants will be best for my special day celebration.
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Re: Happy Birthday Vicar

Thank you for the belated birthday wishes. I don't know who you are and therefore have difficulty following your thread in your posting.