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Cultural Treasures lost in Wars

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Cultural Treasures lost in Wars

Mike McDermott
168 posts
This list has just come up on ninemsn:


Those on the list I recall visiting that have been damaged or destroyed since include:
The Spiral Minaret in Samarra, Iraq
Mosul Museum, Iraq
Aleppo Souk, Syria (my favourite anywhere)
Bosra, Syria
Aleppo Mosque, Syria
The Norias of Hama
The Citadel of Aleppo
Crac de Chevaliers, Syria
Palmyra, Syria
Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo.

The list omits Hatra, which has just been reported as having been destroyed, and Nimrud, which has as well.

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Re: Cultural Treasures lost in Wars

Kathy Schlegel
1 post
How sad! How sad!!! It breaks my heart to see this happening. Am so glad my husband & I got to Aleppo in 2007 & saw the souk, mosque & citadel, Palmyra and the Crac de Chevaliers before all this happened. Oh why oh why?? It was bad enough when the Buddas in Bamyan were destroyed-  my husband wept when he saw that happen on TV because he had climbed them in 1977. I am so pleased he is no longer with us to see this happening!  
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Re: Cultural Treasures lost in Wars

Mike McDermott
168 posts
In reply to this post by Mike McDermott
And now there are more cultural treasures, and many treasured lives, lost in Kathmandu and Pokhara.

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Re: Cultural Treasures lost in Wars

8 posts
Yes terrible for this happening to one of our favourite places. Seen images on TV and that would not be the half of it.
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Re: Cultural Treasures lost in Wars

Mike McDermott
168 posts
In reply to this post by Mike McDermott
ISIS captured Palmyra this morning, so what battle damage there started a while ago, their bulldozers will finish.

Still buildings can be rebuilt (maybe) , unlike the lives destroyed.