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Christmas Time

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Christmas Time

Ho!Ho!Ho! and Merry Xmas to all.

Let me say it again this year, it hardly seems 12 months since I last sent out well wishes for Xmas. In that short period I hope life has been mainly kind to you. Yes we all have a few slippery slopes as we go but if on reflection we can call it a winner, then great.

Since the launch of the website contributions have eased off. When we can see how many access the various postings it obvious there are more readers than writers. Thank you to all the writers and to extend the resource of the site, I encourage the readers to contribute. Any memories and/or pictures will be welcomed and are likely to stimulate others to become involved. Don’t be timid, don’t be shy. If you are a passenger reading this please let yourself be known, you just might be surprised who remembers you.

From what has been written and shown, collectively, we all recognize we experienced a fantastic era. Yes some could say we are living in the past but I would rather think we are living in the now but still enjoying the past. I have always been a person who likes to get their monies worth. Considering the number of people who were associated with these fun times I know there is so much left unsaid.

If your computer skills hold you back from participating there are a few of us that are real experts at this.  Cough! Cough! The truth is it is not all that complicated, once you have done it there is not much to it. If you send me an email via the ‘Home’ page using the ‘contact form’, I will help you through or I can post something for you.

With my recruiting piece done I’ll get back to my original purpose for this post. May the next couple of weeks allow you to enjoy the associations with those you most care for. Have a peaceful, happy, relaxing, exciting and head ache-free time and may the fat fellow be generous.

Ho!Ho!Ho! and Merry Xmas to all.
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Re: Christmas Time

kit carr
Merry Christmas to you and yours Vicar.

And of course a Merry Christmas to all of the aged and infirm Sundowners out there :-)

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Re: Christmas Time

In reply to this post by Vicar
Merry Xmas to all looking forward to seeing your smiling faces and having a quite beer or 16 at the reunion in October .
Greg "Silver " Read