Hi Guys ,,,
I had a call from a mutual friend today and he is in contact with Ross Ruff on a regular basis .
Ross and Robyn are off to London in a couple of months time and Ross would like to call in and see Billy Bounty ,,, is there anybody that can give some info to the wherabouts of our old mate Billy ??
I understand from previous posts he maybe in care somewhere ,,
(Greg Read )
I was talking to MOTHER at the reunion and he told me that Bill was in a Care Facility. I don't have Mother's email, but if you can get it he may be able to help you.
Vicar sent me an email address for Bruce (mother ) Hester but unfortunately it bounced ,,, so can anybody give me contact details for Bruce or anything further about Bill .
In anticipation
Hi Silver
I emailed Maggie Hunt .
Alan Mc Eachern and Maggie tracked Bill to a hostel in Earls Court a couple of years ago.Apparently was not pleased to see them.Has been spotted by Alan in Earls Court once more but spoke briefly and scarpered.
Mother and Maggie tried to keep in contact but Bill wasn't interested.He has changed hostels and there is no forwarding address.
Maggie advises that Mother has no further information.
Both Maggie and Mother are keen to hear any news, as are many of us.
I have texted Mothers latest email address to Vicar,as he would have your address.
A very sad story.
Many thanks for the update I will pass it through to Ross Ruff ,,, maybe if he has time he may be able to see if he can be found.
See you in October.