Re: Memories!!
Posted by
Sara on
Mar 10, 2018; 9:28am
Hi Sue,
Wow! What a lovely surprise to hear from you! Our little group from 1976 is getting bigger as I'm also in contact with Neville.
It would be brilliant to catch up (with Lesley too) so best to use my email address:
[hidden email].
Look forward to hearing your news of 42 years - crikey we must be old!!
Sara (Onslow)
On Wed, 7 Mar 2018 at 06:58, Sue Weppner( née McNicol [via sundownersadventures] <
[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Sara
I have only just joined up in to the F B site today and saw the link to this.
How amazing that I have no seen your post and also those of Greg ,Cheryl and Stretch.
Would love to catch up and see what has hPpened in the many years since that trip
My friend Lesley was just visiting from Melbourne this last weekend