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Re: RIP Rover

Posted by Colin Davidson(Shirley) on Mar 29, 2015; 3:59am
URL: http://sundownersadventures.385.s1.nabble.com/RIP-Rover-tp5707093p5707094.html

An email from KD re Rover. Hi Shirley
What sad news I wondered why I had not heard from him for many months. As I do not have Barry & Sandra's email address on my phone in Hospital would you please pass my condolences to Rover's Family and advise B & S that I had a Stroke on the 10th and have some paralysis as a result on my right side. But today is all about Rover and I am really, really sad and sorry. Would appreciate if you would pass this for me please Shirley - why can't it be the bad barstards for a change