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Asian Geographic magazine

Posted by Mike McDermott on May 07, 2014; 2:42am
URL: http://sundownersadventures.385.s1.nabble.com/Asian-Geographic-magazine-tp5706932.html

Did anyone else not know that there is a magazine called “Asian Geographic”? I bought issue no 102 (1/2014) this morning. It has references Afghanistan’s Wakhan Corridor (still so remote as to be safe to travel in, but be quick as roads to China and Pakistan may be built along it). That article is followed by one on the Stuart Highway, followed by ones on the Nabataeans (including Petra) and Tibet, and later ones on tea trade routes between China and India (which are also to be revived), the Silk Road (ditto), then Astana in Kazakhstan followed by that remotest place of all, my home state of South Australia.

I wonder if any of the previous 101 issues featured an article on the Asian overland? If not, they should.