Sainthood and Roadcrewedness
Posted by Mike McDermott on Apr 27, 2014; 9:41am
I see that Pope John Paul II is being canonised as I write this.
That takes me back to June 1979, when he arrived in Warsaw the same day as we did, and thoughtlessly blocked our way to the campsite. Derek was our driver.
However, after Pope John Paul II went through and we drove across to the campsite, the crowd of many thousands started cheering and waving at us as if we were the Pope himself. It was then that I perfected my royal wave.
I should add that I was well on the way to sainthood myself until 1977, when I was sent on that training trip with Simon Arms and Phillip Tulk, who wasted no time in pointing out the error of my ways and taught me the true path of roadcrewedness. They taught me things that were extremely beneficial in my doing my job, but which I am quite sure none of the four popes in today's ceremony would approve. However, if I hadn't taken Simon's and Phil's advice, I would never have got to Warsaw.
De lawd moves in mysterious ways.