Re: Iran 1978
Posted by Lee Eccleston on Nov 10, 2013; 12:26am
Hi Simon
I am quite enjoying reading Iranian history.I only suggested you may find it tiring as my take on history was causing you to lose sleep.
The major event of November 1978 was the proclamation of martial law.The country was paralysed by general strikes and it was generally accepted that the Shah had to go.He replaced his Prime Minister and sacked the head of Savak,but that didn't save him.
Although the Russians didn't invade Afghanistan until Xmas 1979,I was under the impression that there was extensive numbers of military advisors.
I thought that it had been accepted in previous discussions that Plough was last out of Afghanistan
I was in Kabul for the last time early March 1979,and can't recall a Russian presence at that stage.