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Re: Tracked down

Posted by Johnno McCabe on Feb 01, 2013; 12:02pm
URL: http://sundownersadventures.385.s1.nabble.com/Tracked-down-tp5706636p5706638.html

Hi Gary and Cathy,

Great to hear from you and receive a new voice from the past.

I have enjoyed reading your very well put together blogs and I am sure there is a book in there somewhere as your rich and varied life has taken you on many journeys with hopefully many more to come. In particular the Vietnam blogs as we would like to travel there later this year.Indeed it was  our love of travel and adventure which bought us all together in the Sundowners vehicle in the first place in those late 70's.

We probably only actually met a few times within the convivial  confines of the Albany as you were about to undertake the training trip experience. I recall this vision of a man in a long leather(?) coat looking like Clint Eastwood as a bad hombre in a western movie or is this just a figment of my muddled brain. However I clearly remember Cathy as a long term inmate of the Palace Street correctional institute for wayward travellers. She may be interested in the photos of Palace St I have posted and I have a few more unpublished which I believe may include her in my home pile. If you let me know youur email address I can pass them on.

It's a pity you hadn't seen this site earlier as I am sure you would have enjoyed participating in the October reunion. It is a great memory tester to pick names for the faces without seeing the nametags in the reunion photos.

Look forward to hearing more.
