Re: The Baron Hotel in Aleppo
Posted by Mike McDermott on Aug 16, 2012; 6:50am
Hi Chop,
I see you worked with Fingers too; you will probably endorse my earlier comments about what a great guy he was to work with.
I remember Rodney. I'm pretty sure it was the coach that Budgie picked up P37 in when we had to fly over Iran (as yours was P13H, the Pharoah itinerary must have numbered hotel trips differently from camping ones). If so, Rodney was a good 'un and Budgie was one happy driver.
Another coach, a Capricorn one that Kevin Venville drove, got caught up in a sandstorm in Syria when we were coming back from Palmyra. The visibility was practically zero, such that we had to pull off the road and wait until it eased up, for fear of colliding with another vehicle. Later, we left the coach in Istanbul and flew to Kabul, where Tom Sawyer picked us up.
Much later, someone else picked up the coach from the customs compound in Istanbul and took it back on a westbound. We heard that when a punter asked the driver to turn on the fanning system, there was a puff and the driver looked around to see everone looking a bit like they were from the Black and White Minstrel Show.