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Arrr Forence

Posted by Vicar on Jul 10, 2012; 8:16am
URL: http://sundownersadventures.385.s1.nabble.com/Arrr-Forence-tp5706472.html

On one particular trip to Florence the guy who ran the Red Garter disco, I think his name was Franko, took a group of us out to lunch. About 3 or 4 groups of drivers/couriers were invited. Upon arrival we were shouted drinks at the bar until it was time to eat. Once given the nod to eat, plates of antipasto were brought to the tables. Felling peckish after a few drinks I thought what a great lunch and dug in. As I was finishing off the meal with a few more drinks the main menu arrived. We were asked to select whatever we wanted and he insisted we all have a main. Over the main meal and through dessert we had a few more drinks.

Lunch came to a close and feeling like stuffed pigs we left to go out into the open streets. Once in the open street Franko invited us into a bar, near the Red Garter for a few drinks. Probably too intoxicated to know better we drank flaming Sambucas with coffee beans for an hour or so. The drunker we sat there the longer we got. With a fine day of drinking behind us and lissed as  pizzards we drove the coach back to the camp to pick up the troupes.

We threw ourselves into the shower which immediately sobered us up, of course, to go back down to the Red Garter and a visit to Space Electronic, oh and have a few drinks. At the end of the evening I said take me drunk I’m home.

I’ve gotta ahve to tlod you if I tired to doo taht toady thye would nede to call an undertkaer.