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Re: Gallipoli

Posted by Mike McDermott on Apr 28, 2012; 12:34am
URL: http://sundownersadventures.385.s1.nabble.com/Gallipoli-tp5663673p5671820.html

Vicar, I am not the world's best driver either, but after several years of watching some of the world's best coach drivers I had come to notice that in order to stop the coach as distinct from steering it, they did something tricky down there under the steering wheel with their feet.  

The knowledge I acquired from them about driving a  coach was not the only thing I learnt from them. When I started couriering, I must admit that my inability to swear appropriately was a major failing. However, by the time that happened the swearing I was able to muster showed that I had reached a highly advanced stage in that skill. The silence of Chunuk Bair was shattered, as it was for miles around. I understand that it is still spoken of with awe by the locals, in hushed whispers in tea houses along the trial.