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A night drive to Bodh Gaya

Posted by Lee Eccleston on Apr 17, 2012; 12:18pm
URL: http://sundownersadventures.385.s1.nabble.com/A-night-drive-to-Bodh-Gaya-tp5646417.html

In late January 1984 Mr Sid and  I took 50 Tibettan pilgrims and some freaks to Varanasi and then somehow I was elected to drive the pilgrims south to Bodh Gaya approx 5 or 6 hours.Bodh Gaya was where Siddartha Gautama later known as Buddha first gained enlightenment.Definitely not Garry Green.
I set off at around 5pm and drove through the night playing high beam blind mans bluff with the Tata drivers.The Tibettans weren't travelling too well and alot were being sick.I told them to use any plastic bucket.At Bodh Gaya asked them to empty the buckets.
Arrived back at Varanasi after more high beam blind mans bluff,they won ,I got infected eyes.
As I arrived the others were ready to leave for Delhi.
Mr Sid said   "where's my underwear ,I left them all soaking in plastic buckets?"
He couldn't get the shits because he didn't have any catchers.
Night drives are fine as long as you don't have to drive.