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Re: silver now

Posted by Vicar on Jul 11, 2011; 9:56pm
URL: http://sundownersadventures.385.s1.nabble.com/silver-now-tp4574528p4576796.html

And there we are.

It seems that when anyone puts their story forward I learn something new. Even though we spent a fair bit of time in each others company, Alexander overland, the training trip and between trips in London, I did not know, or did not remember several things. They include how you got started working for Sundowners or that you came home in 1978, I thought it was a year or two later than that.

Next is blackmail. How much are you offering not to talk about what you got up to in front of Lewis?

You realize of course that you were younger when doing the tours than he is now. Staggering isn't?

Great to hear from you and about you. Looking to having that beer or 27.