silver now
Posted by silver on Jul 11, 2011; 10:11am
Well after arriving in the UK early 1974,did a tour with European with Autotours in the Summer of 74 ,,worked back in London and was scheduled to do a training trip with Autotours in early '75.
Someone suggested I meet "Wilko", we had a long chat, and with the opportunity of crewing on Overlands as well as their European program I was sold.
I did a European training trip with Dave Rogers and Chalker in early 75
,,,,,,then the fun started ended up doing 8 overlands ,,4 Scandi /Russians ,,Europeans( can't remember how many) 2 North Africans, 1 to Pamp's (for the bulls) 1 to Le Mans (24hr race) + others I can't remember.
Was driver on the '77 training trip with Dave (clap ) Yearly, Still cant believe they let me train you guys ...
Went to Club Habitat for the winter of 77/78 .Worked till mid 78 with Sundowners ,,came back to Aust November 78.
Retreived my Architectural Design and Drafting Diploma from the bottom of the suitcase. Worked contract for Gold Coast based Architectural firms until 1985.During that time I met and married Jeni.
In 1985 our fist child ,Kirsten was born and at the same time I decided to open my own Architectural Design Office .Over the years I have been lucky enough to have had a steady supply of work. In 1988 our second child was born Lewis.
In 2008 I had a guttfull of staff and at the same time was approached to undertake the Design and Project Management of a resort in Bali ,,,,,,,could not get to the airport quick enough.
The project required me to be in Bali for 1 week out of 5 ,,really enjoyed the experience.So I was still able to keep clients happy here as well as having a great project to work on. My role in that project finished in 2009 .
Since then just working for and by myself on the Gold Coast doing small residential projects or anything that enables me to buy beer.
Well after 30+ years Jeni and I are heading to India for 4 weeks later this year,,,using planes/ trains and automobiles to get around ,,,we both are really looking forward to the trip.
So guys I look forward to reading your stories and hope to have a beer or 27 at the Reunion next year.
I catch up with Greg "OZ' for a beer whenever we can ..
Greg "SILVER" Read