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Weekend Assignment

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Weekend Assignment

Mike McDermott
There's a new show on ABC1 on Sunday nights called "The Time of our Lives". In the promos, a kid says "dad says it's not about the destination; it's about the passengers you travel with".


PS Simon, you get an automatic credit.
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Re: Weekend Assignment

When I remember the passengers it reminds me of a movie I watched called "The Good the Bad & the Ugly." Percentages about 95%, 4% & 1%, in that order thank goodness.
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Re: Weekend Assignment

Mike McDermott
I married my best passenger.

My worst one was also a woman; a nurse who tended the dying. She should have got the role of Nurse Ratchet in One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

I have nightmares that when I am on my deathbed, this nurse is going to come in and say, “Why hello, Mike, remember me?  Well, I am the matron here now, and am I going to look after you!”

At which point I wake up screaming.
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Re: Weekend Assignment

I never met my best passenger but I did meet my worse.

My worse came as group which was both a good thing and a bad thing. Good because I got them out off my way as a total and bad since it was not just one of them on the trip. Lyn, was Breen, can attest to this as she was on the trip.

I must say the condition was infectious and spread from a few to several. What started out with the ideal equal number of guys and gals which turned into one group of the gals and us crew, verses the guys.

The guys as a collective were a pain in the aaarrrr........................ arm pit.

I won't go into what they were like, as each individual had their peculiarity and I do mean peculiarity.

The up-shot was the rest of us had a good time in spite of them.