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Vale Peter Nelson <Passport>

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Vale Peter Nelson <Passport>

Lee Eccleston
Sadly Passport passed away this morning in Port Macquarie Hospital.He had been suffering from pulmonary fibrosis <lung disease>.No further details available at this stage
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Re: Vale Peter Nelson <Passport>

kit carr
So sad to hear that.

It is never good to lose your passport.

The best London guide I ever knew. :-)

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Re: Vale Peter Nelson <Passport>

In reply to this post by Lee Eccleston
I must say that the last time I saw him, at the reunion in 2014, he did not look so good but it still comes of a bit of a shock combined with sadness to know he has gone. A good bloke who was up for a laugh and joined in wherever he could.

Kit I keep remembering you, some what jokingly, talking about us getting together at the first reunion back in 2012, that we should do this while there are enough of us around to do so. As another one leaves for the big coach park in the sky I recall your words.

Yes those fun years of only a few months ago or was it several years, gave us the ongoing friendships and memories. Always sad to see another leave the ranks.

Passport if you have access to a computer all the best and you will be missed around the place, safe journey my friend.
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Re: Vale Peter Nelson <Passport>

In reply to this post by Lee Eccleston
I am now so please I spoke to passport last week and I knew how crook he was.

The Passport was an inmate of the infamous 1974 Adventure Training Trip where a solemn bond was forged between us wishful drivers and couriers as we froze on the side of a mountain in Yugoslavia after our bus had broken down and inevitably towed away.

Passport was a gentle old sole, at times a bit lost and at times quite dithery, but he was OUR old sole and always remained within our ranks.

Vale Passport
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Re: Vale Peter Nelson <Passport>

got the news from Fred Sparksman this evening ,,, sad news ,, i think the post from Ekka says it all ,,, Bye Bye old mate .
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Re: Vale Peter Nelson <Passport>

If anybody has funeral details please pass them on ,,,, thanks Silver.
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Re: Vale Peter Nelson <Passport>

Lee Eccleston
I am advised there will be a private cremation.