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Useless Information

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Useless Information

145 posts
Just out of curiosity I added up the number of pictures we have posted so far. I probably have too much time on my hands.

In the slide shows I have posted 1747 (approx). Others as listed in the main menu 1623 (approx)
The pictures posted under 'Your Pictures' 416.

Here we are. The grand total to date is 3786 (approx) picture memories. I am surprised just how the numbers have added up between us. Perhaps they all should be made into a movie but then again it may take too long to view, an epic.

That is not to say there is not room for much more.
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Re: Useless Information

kit carr
1 post
Useless information was what we peddaled across Europe.

Stuff like the 'Ausfahrt' story. Either nuclear attack bunkers or Central industrial zone

Under water barges in the Rhine

These tended be be on the bullshit side of "Useless", but there was other stuff which while true was completely useless

Like the "weight of the air inside a cylinder the circumference of the legs of the Eifel Tower container air whiuch was heavier than the steel used to build the tower" and other similar stuff.

Nice to see that Vicar has nealy posted 4000 pictures. I have looked at them all, but sadly cannot contibute. :-)