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Tracked down

Garry Griffin
Last week my son, who is researching his own trip to Europe next year, came across this website. I got a tweet(!), and as soon as I saw my old schoolmate Graham Preiss (Vicar) fronting up I was locked in. Then I noticed that my name was mentioned a couple of times, in absentia, so I thought i'd better 'fess up. I sent Vicar a long email, most of which is reproduced below. Thanks to John Estes as well for asking. -

I had a relatively brief career with Sundowners - I did the training trip in 78, then took two Cossacks in the summer of 78, the first with Darcy Waller as driver, and the second with Graham Nicol. Both were great experiences. Darcy was great company, and a lot more relaxed than I was on my first trip as courier- I didn't realise until I cruised the website that Darcy had been everywhere. I was told in Vienna on the training trip that I would be taking a trip out again on the same day we all got back to London, so the trip with Darcy and the training trip sort of ran into each other. At the end of 10 weeks on the road without a break I was stuffed, so when Vicar and I met in Berlin after we got off the train from Krakow, to get us back home (read the blog, below), I was very grateful. The punters must have been a bit edgy too - I remember Buddha giving them all a serve the morning we left Berlin.

Graham was even more relaxed. The second trip seemed like a breeze compared to the first - always the way.  

Anyway, after the second trip with Graham I met Cathie at the Albany. We got engaged 35 days later. (Needless to say, an awful lot happened in between those last two sentences!)

I travelled around Europe with my family in December/January 78/79, then went back to Aussie and we were married in March. After a few months back home we both were itching to return, which we did in July 79. We worked in a pub (the Queen Adelaide) near London for a while then returned to Australia via Greece, Egypt, Turkey and Bali in early 1980.

We lived in Sydney for three years. I was teaching at Stella Maris at North Steyne/Manly. During that time we organised a reunion for the Cossack trip, held at Loewenbrau in the Rocks. It was a great night. Then we moved to Adelaide where I worked at St Michaels from 1984-1994. We had three kids in that time - Phoebe, Robert and Verity - and lived in Grange.

When mid-life crisis hit I applied for a job in Darwin, and we have lived here in the Top End ever since. It was the best move we ever made. I was Principal at O'Loughlin College for a few years and then later Principal of the secondary school at Nguiu, Bathurst Island, among the Tiwi indigenous mob. That was an experience I'll never forget. Lately I've been doing a bit of English teaching to migrants and refugees at Charles Darwin Uni here in Darwin.

I had a late-life crisis a couple of years ago and did a bit of work with AAT Kings, taking tourists out to the Jumping Crocs, and a few Darwin Day Tours. It was great to be driving the coach, but the money was no good compared to teaching, so I didn't last long. I even got accreditation as a Kakadu tourist guide!

The past few years we have developed a passion for travelling again, mostly to Vietnam. We'll be there again in a few weeks to get some more dental work done. Email me if you want to know of an excellent American dentist in Hanoi. Between 1980 and 2003 we did not leave Australia at all - having kids does that. Now we hop on a plane to Singapore every few months it seems.

All of the above I have put together in a blog I created a few years ago, and update from time to time. Its at
http://travelsaroundmymind.blogspot.com.au/ . Feel free to have a browse when you get some time.

Don't know if you ever go through Darwin, but if you ever pass by, feel free to give me a call on 0412346542. Would love to have a decent chat.

Garry Griffin
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Re: Tracked down

Johnno McCabe
Hi Gary and Cathy,

Great to hear from you and receive a new voice from the past.

I have enjoyed reading your very well put together blogs and I am sure there is a book in there somewhere as your rich and varied life has taken you on many journeys with hopefully many more to come. In particular the Vietnam blogs as we would like to travel there later this year.Indeed it was  our love of travel and adventure which bought us all together in the Sundowners vehicle in the first place in those late 70's.

We probably only actually met a few times within the convivial  confines of the Albany as you were about to undertake the training trip experience. I recall this vision of a man in a long leather(?) coat looking like Clint Eastwood as a bad hombre in a western movie or is this just a figment of my muddled brain. However I clearly remember Cathy as a long term inmate of the Palace Street correctional institute for wayward travellers. She may be interested in the photos of Palace St I have posted and I have a few more unpublished which I believe may include her in my home pile. If you let me know youur email address I can pass them on.

It's a pity you hadn't seen this site earlier as I am sure you would have enjoyed participating in the October reunion. It is a great memory tester to pick names for the faces without seeing the nametags in the reunion photos.

Look forward to hearing more.

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Re: Tracked down

Garry Griffin
I recall this vision of a man in a long leather(?) coat looking like Clint Eastwood as a bad hombre in a western movie or is this just a figment of my muddled brain.

Boy, have you got a good memory! Although the Clint Eastwood image I could do without. Recently some of my students (now in their 40s) dug up a class photo from 84. They said I looked like an 80s gay porn star! When I came online with a "Hello there" they were knocked for six.

I don't recall hanging around the Albany prior to meeting Cathie there in September 78, but I could be wrong. Cathie said she remembers you clearly, but less so me, sorry. It was a memorable year in many ways, including meeting hundreds of new people. 

Two things: I remember Judy Richardson and Tom's wedding clearly. It was at the local wedding registry (Kensington?) and we all traveled there together on the Tube. Halfway through the ceremony someone came into the room and asked if anyone had booked a Rolls in the name of Griffin. Well, I was the only Griffin there, and it wasn't me. After the ceremony the guy was parked outside in the street and I asked him if his booking had turned up. When he said no, I said how much would it cost to drive us back to Victoria in his Rolls? We agreed on 10 quid, and so we all piled into the Rolls to go back to Palace Street. Did you ever find out what happened to Judy Richardson?

Also, did you go to the Bob Dylan concert at Blackbushe July 15 1978? I know I did, (and 200,000 others) and aside from it being a great concert, there were a few highlights. I know Kit Carr went with us (maybe it was his car we went in), and he had to leave in the middle of the day because of some Sundowners emergency somewhere. That's why we had to catch the train home from Fleet station. There was a derailment somewhere which meant hours of delay getting home via Waterloo. I think we left about  6am one day and I remember walking home from Waterloo at 6 am the next.

Would love to see the old photos of Cathie and Palace St. Have already checked out the ones on the site. We all knew that those old photos would find a time and place eventually.

Good to talk to you,

Keep in touch,


On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 9:32 PM, Johnno McCabe [via sundownersadventures] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Gary and Cathy,

Great to hear from you and receive a new voice from the past.

I have enjoyed reading your very well put together blogs and I am sure there is a book in there somewhere as your rich and varied life has taken you on many journeys with hopefully many more to come. In particular the Vietnam blogs as we would like to travel there later this year.Indeed it was  our love of travel and adventure which bought us all together in the Sundowners vehicle in the first place in those late 70's.

We probably only actually met a few times within the convivial  confines of the Albany as you were about to undertake the training trip experience. I recall this vision of a man in a long leather(?) coat looking like Clint Eastwood as a bad hombre in a western movie or is this just a figment of my muddled brain. However I clearly remember Cathy as a long term inmate of the Palace Street correctional institute for wayward travellers. She may be interested in the photos of Palace St I have posted and I have a few more unpublished which I believe may include her in my home pile. If you let me know youur email address I can pass them on.

It's a pity you hadn't seen this site earlier as I am sure you would have enjoyed participating in the October reunion. It is a great memory tester to pick names for the faces without seeing the nametags in the reunion photos.

Look forward to hearing more.


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Re: Tracked down

I cannot believe how much you guys remember and with such detail. Now days I am going to remember ..................... what was I saying?
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Re: Tracked down

Well, I'm sitting here in my home office trying to build up some enthusiasm to begin marking 130+ uni assignments, so any distraction will do! Good to talk to you the other day, Vicar - will get back to your reply email soon, i hope. Any chance of seeing you in Darwin sometime soon?
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Re: Tracked down

Johnno McCabe
Hi Gary and Cathie,

Please don't let me jepodise the ambitions of 130 anxious uni students but yes I clearly remember going to Blackbushe airport to see Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, Joan Armatrading, Graham Parker and the Rumours, some German band and a couple more acts in July 1978. Funny I could only remember going with Kit in his Rover(Is that right Kit?) and the long cold walk back to the station for a 3 or 4 hour wait to get on a train back to Waterloo. It must have been where the coat envy memory became indelibly etched on my memory.I still have the original concert ticket and some photos of the crowd at Blackbushe.

I also have more photos of Tom and Judy's wedding and remember that story of the Rolls although I wasn't in attandance during the day but someone must have taken my camera. However I probably attended the reception more that likely held at the Pheonix. Another French couple from Palace street also got married that day (maybe  second wedding half price deal).

I also has a photo of Cathie in a straw hat and some other Palace street residents which may be of interest. Please email me at jgmccabe@beachaccess.com.au and I can forward them to you.I haven't seen or heard from Judy Rchardson since I left England.


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Re: Tracked down

kit carr
Right Johnno,

It was the best concert I never saw.

White Rover 2000, with a black roof.

Nice car.
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Re: Tracked down

Garry Griffin
G'day Kit. Garry here. Hope you're well.  I never did find out the reason you had to leave that day.

Sent from my iPhone

On 04/02/2013, at 5:22 PM, "kit carr [via sundownersadventures]" <[hidden email]> wrote:

Right Johnno,

It was the best concert I never saw.

White Rover 2000, with a black roof.

Nice car.

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