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The Baron Hotel in Aleppo

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Re: The Baron Hotel in Aleppo

Leonora Dijkstra
I was one of the passengers on that coach in the sandstorm, quiet an experience! It was B23H from London to Kathmandu from 25 November 1978 till 12 February 1979. The Baron Hotel is a place I would sure remember, but I don't....so...
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Re: The Baron Hotel in Aleppo

Mike McDermott
Hi Leonora,

No, B23H didn't go there, but after that sandstorm we could sure have used its hot showers! It wasn't until several trips later that I checked out the Baron Hotel.

I just Googled it again - "Baron Hotel" "Aleppo". By editing the search to "past year", it looks as if it may still be functioning, but only just. One of the articles from that Googling said that the bazaar has been burnt down. I sure hope not, as that was my favorite one out of all my travels.

All the Best,

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Re: The Baron Hotel in Aleppo

Mike McDermott
In reply to this post by Mike McDermott
I decided to check on the Baron Hotel.

There's a video on it at:
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Re: The Baron Hotel in Aleppo

In reply to this post by Colin Davidson
Hi all, sorry to resurrect an old thread.

Not heard of sundowners before, sounds like some amazing adventures we're had.

I am interested in this volvo ROD622N, this ended up in South Wales in the 90s and I remember going to and from school on it.

Can't believe the mileage that must have been on it by that point. Also really enjoyed reading about the places it has been to.

Can't seem to find the pictures referred to earlier in this thread, any pics of this vehicle in its heyday or tales of the adventures she had would be really interesting to me...

Thanks guys hope you can help!
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Re: The Baron Hotel in Aleppo

Mike McDermott
Hi Robb,

There is a closed Facebook page for old Sundowners and Capricorn crew. I have just mentioned your note there. Sundowners operations manager at the time replied that "The guys in the workshop pulled the engine down in 1978 I think. ROD had done about 400,000 miles. The hone marks were still on the cylinders. I think it was x trathens."

Yes, Rodney took several of us on some great adventures. My time in it was in 1979, after that rebuild. It will be interesting to see who else replies, and the stories they may have to tell.

All the Best,


PS You don't happen to know its ultimate fate?