I just found out that Screw Turner's first real name is Graham, lucky bugger. More importantly his nick-name is spelt Skroo. Sorry about that Screw, I mean Skroo.
Now I will be inundated with replies saying "I knew that."
"I knew that" and I am still looking to recoup payment for repairs I carried out on two of his "buses" one in Katmandu and the other not far from Amritsar. I heard that he recently spent around $6mil on a house in Brisbane. I saw a photo in the weekend Australian recently of a Top Deck coach somewhere in Europe and it was flash, tri axle, high decked and atleast 12 metres and it didn't really sit well with my experience of the business.
I just took it as a given when I wrote his name as 'Screw' but now I know it is 'Skroo' does anyone one know of its origin? There is a feeling the 'roo' part may be linked back to kangaroo, but a pure guess.