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Remembering Peter Nelson from Silicon Valley, USA

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Remembering Peter Nelson from Silicon Valley, USA

Fran Cochran
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Peter Nelson--IN HIS OWN WORDS:  July 14, 1982 from Sydney, Australia

"When first asked to lead an overland Tour from the United Kingdom to Nepal in 1975 I was somewhat alarmed at the prospect of leaving the well-trodden routes of Europe that I knew so well to travel by coach through this unfamiliar and difficult part of the world.

Stories I had heard from colleagues in London had led me to wonder why anyone would want to venture all this way through these strange and mystical countries of Asia en route from London to Katmandu.

How wrong I was!  As I sit here having read the words to follow, I wonder how many intended travelers have had the same doubts as I had initially, and have let this opportunity of adventure slip by.

This is a story of a group of young people who took this journey (Katmandu to London).  Over the many weeks we were to be together it was my privilege to watch these people from all walks of life develop friendships and share experiences previously unimagined.

Unhappily, a lot of places mentioned here can no longer be visited because of political strife.  However, to those who are contemplating the Overland route of today I’m sure these words will give you an idea of this uniquely rewarding experience."

--This was “our” Peter Nelson of 1976--

A true professional, our "fearless leader," using his God-given gifts, Peter led us, cared for us, educated us, and saw us through our travel experience of a lifetime in 1976.  His PREFACE for the Alexander Overland Journal-Story of which he refers to IN HIS OWN WORDS of 1982, “having read the words to follow,” is now found ON-LINE 40 YEARS LATER at:

www.aussietrailtolondon1976.org    OR   GOOGLE   "Aussie Trail to London 1976"

--Thanks for giving it your all and Godspeed to you dear friend, Vale Peter Nelson!!

Fran Cochran
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Re: Remembering Peter Nelson from Silicon Valley, USA

145 posts
Thanks Fran.. I could not help but post what you sent to Facebook, one of the 2 pages dedicated to Sundowners. This one is titled Sundowners 1964 - 1982.

Especially as his wake is on Saturday, your timing was good.

On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 4:22 AM, Fran Cochran [via sundownersadventures] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Peter Nelson--IN HIS OWN WORDS:  July 14, 1982 from Sydney, Australia

"When first asked to lead an overland Tour from the United Kingdom to Nepal in 1975 I was somewhat alarmed at the prospect of leaving the well-trodden routes of Europe that I knew so well to travel by coach through this unfamiliar and difficult part of the world.

Stories I had heard from colleagues in London had led me to wonder why anyone would want to venture all this way through these strange and mystical countries of Asia en route from London to Katmandu.

How wrong I was!  As I sit here having read the words to follow, I wonder how many intended travelers have had the same doubts as I had initially, and have let this opportunity of adventure slip by.

This is a story of a group of young people who took this journey (Katmandu to London).  Over the many weeks we were to be together it was my privilege to watch these people from all walks of life develop friendships and share experiences previously unimagined.

Unhappily, a lot of places mentioned here can no longer be visited because of political strife.  However, to those who are contemplating the Overland route of today I’m sure these words will give you an idea of this uniquely rewarding experience."

--This was “our” Peter Nelson of 1976--

A true professional, our "fearless leader," using his God-given gifts, Peter led us, cared for us, educated us, and saw us through our travel experience of a lifetime in 1976.  His PREFACE for the Alexander Overland Journal-Story of which he refers to IN HIS OWN WORDS of 1982, “having read the words to follow,” is now found ON-LINE 40 YEARS LATER at:

www.aussietrailtolondon1976.org    OR   GOOGLE   "Aussie Trail to London 1976"

--Thanks for giving it your all and Godspeed to you dear friend, Vale Peter Nelson!!

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