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RIP Rover

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RIP Rover

Fellow Sundowners and friends,
It is with a very heavy heart we share the news that Chris Boal aka “ROVER” lost his battle for life around 5 pm today.

As some of you may already know, he had suffered ill health for some time and had been in and out of hospital for around twelve months.

In brief, he got himself fit and well enough to receive a heart transplant a few weeks ago and was doing very well.  The doctors even took him off dialysis and moved him into a ward.  Suddenly, he contracted an infection in the spinal chord and was moved back into ICU where he deteriorated rapidly.  He went into a coma from which he didn’t recover. He was moved out of ICU and into a single bed ward today where they thought he would linger for a few more days, perhaps a week.  But sadly he lasted only one hour.

Barry and I have just returned from the hospital where we joined his family for a final goodbye and we cannot quite grasp the finality of his death.

Funeral arrangements will be finalised in the next few days.

Best wishes to you all.
Sandra and Barry Deacon
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Re: RIP Rover

Colin Davidson(Shirley)
An email from KD re Rover. Hi Shirley
What sad news I wondered why I had not heard from him for many months. As I do not have Barry & Sandra's email address on my phone in Hospital would you please pass my condolences to Rover's Family and advise B & S that I had a Stroke on the 10th and have some paralysis as a result on my right side. But today is all about Rover and I am really, really sad and sorry. Would appreciate if you would pass this for me please Shirley - why can't it be the bad barstards for a change
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Re: RIP Rover

How true, from KD. Perhaps it is true that only the good die young.