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Parking failure!

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Parking failure!


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Re: Parking failure!

Colin Davidson(Shirley)
That was somewhere around the Bolen Pass, wasn't it Tom?
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RE: Parking failure!


Hi Col,
We had just left Quetta after being held up there while waiting for the border to re-open after a failed American attempt to rescue US hostages. All the punters were happy to be mobile again and all seemed to be perfect for the trip to Iran. I was in such a generous mood that I thought I would give way to the oncoming truck, stopping just before the culvert. As you can see in one of the pics the road collapsed under me. We had a fairly full complement of pax and I think one bandaid was needed. Lucky. I drove OMJ back to Delhi, much to the amusement of the locals. No windscreen and no glass down the port side.
Six months later I drove it out of Jullunda Bus Co with new livery and a slightly modified boot! Jullunda followed me out with a duplicate Tata. They had been coping my bus as they repaired mine.
Col, I can't remember being paid for my stretch in Delhi, can I put in a chit?
Sorry I've taken so long to post the photos, I only recently found them and had my tech savy son put them up for me.

Turbo Tom

Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 23:01:07 -0700
From: [hidden email]
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: Parking failure!

That was somewhere around the Bolen Pass, wasn't it Tom?

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Re: Parking failure!

In reply to this post by turbotom
Holly shit!
Tom I trust you have ceased with the "generous moods" section of your life, looks like you've done your bit here.
Looks like the Telma Retarder bearings could use some grease and the diff housing looks like it has a two speed aplication, its a housing I haven't seen on a Ford before.
Someone please tell me again how we had all these accidents and didn't kill any passengers or crew, I think we were mighty lucky.
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Re: Parking failure!

kit carr
Must have been the same diff as in some of the D series trucks.
I'd never noticed the plate before, and wouldn't if you hadn't pointed it out..
We ran D series with two speed diffs in NZ with the same engine and gearbox