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I was on the Sundowners trip from London to Kathmandu which departed the Earl’s Court Road on 19th April 1976 to the appropriate sounds of the Beetles’ ‘Magical Mystery Tour!

I have really amazing memories of that trip and certain events spring to mind, e.g. of buying a gun disguised as a biro pen in Darra; taking it out onto the street to fire it to check it worked: - no matter that I could have blown my hand off and then had to smuggle it over all those borders we had yet to cross!  A fun memory of a mock ‘marriage’ between Greg R. (Silver?) and Cheryl in Selifke springs to mind which was followed by everyone getting totally out of their heads on some disgusting Turkish wine!  However, I think I should add that throughout the trip the former was far from an unusual occurrence!  Actually, having re-read my diary, I could ramble on and on with some really silly but great anecdotes!

After having a search in various boxes in the attic, I’ve found all the slides I took, together with a daily diary I kept (best keep that to myself I think!), as well as a Sundowners' tee shirt which all of us had made in Venice (photo attached).

The crew consisted of:

Greg Reid (Gold Coast)
Greg (Stretch) Williams – who was the trainee courier (Oz somewhere)
Dave Attwood – driver (Devon UK)

The passengers as far as I can remember were:

Cheryl Pearson (Adelaide)
Heather & Steve Percy (Melbourne)
Sue McNicol (a nurse from Meninge, S. Australia)
Lesley Lucas (ditto)
Christine Eckel (Canadian dentist)
Michael Janusz (Canadian doctor) ] ]- I think they ended up getting married!
Joy Gamble (Rosebud, Victoria)
Mick Johnson (London)
Gladys Larkin (a teacher from Sydney)
Jan Piltz (Albury, NSW    ]
Malcolm(?) (Croydon, UK)]  I think they may have ended up together
Neville Ritchie (Quirindi, NSW))
Peter Wood – he joined the tour in Innsbruck (Victoria)
Alan & June(?) (Melbourne)

About a year later, I met up once with Greg R. in London (after I had returned from NZ) and, at about the same time, an Australian reunion took place (in Melbourne I think) when a cassette (which I also found in the attic) was made and sent to us in the UK to be played at our reunion held in Croydon.  I kept in touch with Neville for a few years but then, as usual, we all move on, get busy with careers, kids, etc. and lose touch.

I would just love to hear from anyone who was on that trip - especially Cheryl, Neville and Greg R. (I'm sure he must be 'Silver'!) – another reunion perhaps ….?!

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Re: Memories!!

Hi Sara,
Great to hear that you still remember that trip so well ,, i found a few old photos from that trip and have posted them on the photo page.
I am glad that you have a diary of that trip because after all those years the memories are a bit vague, if you have time please drop me an email at readprojects@bigpond.com
I look forward to hearing from you .
SILVER ( Greg Read)
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Re: Memories!!

Greg 'Stretch' Williams
In reply to this post by Sara
Hi Sara,

I've just discovered this website after a conversation with another ex-Sundowner driver that I worked with. I remember the wedding at Selifke well. Actually that place has very fond memories for me as later that year on my first trip as a fully fledged courier out to India, I met the Canadian lady who has been my wife for almost 35 years. She was a passenger on a Penn Tour that was camped on the other side of the castle. Long story..... You can read the condensed version on the forum where I intend to re-introduce myself after all these years.


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Re: Memories!!

In reply to this post by Sara
Hi Sara!

That was amazing to read your message!  I remember that photo of Greg too, when the windscreen got shattered!  It's great that you have a diary - and I do remember that gun you bought and getting it through the airports.  I'd love to get in touch with you again - we had such a great time.  Remember when you were ill in the middle of Iran somewhere, lying on the floor of an empty hotel and the Canadian doc asked if you wanted a nice greasy pork chop.  It was three months of fantastic memories.

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RE: Memories!!


Hi Cheryl!


How brilliant to hear from you and I would love to get in touch with you again too!!  That time on the floor in the Russian(?) hotel will remain with me forever – God I felt ill!.


How about you ping an email to [hidden email] so we can exchange news – after all we’ll have nearly 37 years to catch up on!


Look forward to hearing from you soon!!




From: Cheryl [via sundownersadventures] [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: 11 April 2013 10:27
To: Sara
Subject: Re: Memories!!


Hi Sara!

That was amazing to read your message!  I remember that photo of Greg too, when the windscreen got shattered!  It's great that you have a diary - and I do remember that gun you bought and getting it through the airports.  I'd love to get in touch with you again - we had such a great time.  Remember when you were ill in the middle of Iran somewhere, lying on the floor of an empty hotel and the Canadian doc asked if you wanted a nice greasy pork chop.  It was three months of fantastic memories.


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RE: Memories!!

kit carr
Well there you go folks.

All the dots joined :-)
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RE: Memories!!

It warms my heart to think this website can connect just a few people after the years have rolled by.
If anyone has any other ideas how we can spread the word, please let me know.

So far I have sent emails for all those I had and placed a connection on Facebook. I recognize that having to amalgamate the 2 words of Sundowners and Adventures makes it difficult to search. I have tried to search just the word Sundowners and I get everything but the site.
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Re: Memories!!

In reply to this post by Sara
Hi Cheryl,
Great to here from you ,, if you get a chance please drop me a line readprojects@bigpond.com
I would love to hear whats happened in the last few years
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Re: Memories!!

In reply to this post by Sara
Hi Sara
I have only just joined up in to the F B site today and saw the link to this.
How amazing that I have no seen your  post and also those of Greg ,Cheryl and Stretch.
Would love to catch up and see what has hPpened in the many years since that trip
My friend Lesley was just visiting from Melbourne this last weekend
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Re: Memories!!

In reply to this post by Cheryl
Hi Cheryl
I have only just found this ite on FB and  checked out this link. Imagine my surprise to see your post. Also from Greg, Stretch and Sara . Amazing that Sarahad everyone’s name after all this time.
I realise this post of yours is several years ago but if you do read it would love to catch up. I don’t think I really thanked you enough for driving me home when I arrived back in Adelaide!
Lesley ,my friend on the trip was just up visiting this last weekend
I am on FB ***
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Re: Memories!!

In reply to this post by Swepps1951
Hi Sue,

Wow!  What a lovely surprise to hear from you!  Our little group from 1976 is getting bigger as I'm also in contact with Neville.
It would be brilliant to catch up (with Lesley too) so best to use my email address:  [hidden email].
Look forward to hearing your news of 42 years - crikey we must be old!!
Sara (Onslow)

On Wed, 7 Mar 2018 at 06:58, Sue Weppner( née McNicol [via sundownersadventures] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Sara
I have only just joined up in to the F B site today and saw the link to this.
How amazing that I have no seen your  post and also those of Greg ,Cheryl and Stretch.
Would love to catch up and see what has hPpened in the many years since that trip
My friend Lesley was just visiting from Melbourne this last weekend

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Re: Memories!!

Hi Sara

I am very surprised to have had  such a quick response ,but very pleased .
My email is weppner@ grapevine.com.au
I live with my husband of nearly 40 years in Canberra
We have three children,who are all married and live here also with six,nearly seven grandchildren.
I am on face book .if you are?
Look forward to further catching up. We go to England nearly every year,have only been back a few weeks from our last trip
Regards Sue

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