Yes you are right Kit, the last ones through Iran were in 1978. I got my marbles slightly misaligned. The Karachi Express as I refer to it, left Pakistan on the 9th of May (visa obtained at Quetta on the 6th) entering Iran at Zahedan, and exiting into Turkey on the 12th, arriving in Athens on either the 15/16th of May.
The Americans had tried rescuing the Tehran hostages on the 24tj of April and thus there was a considerable amount of emotion being exhibited.8x6le
Well my Alzheimer's must be kicking in but I can't remember. I need 'Chop' to buy into this. I thought we did my last overlander together and had remembered it as in 1979. Now I need to workout what trips I did in 1979. I know, at least I think I know, that I did my last trip towards the end of 1979 or early 80. 1980 saw me in Club Habitat at the beginning of that year and later over to Trek America for 6 months. If anyone has any knowledge of what I did, can they please let me know.
Perhaps a scramble through the old passport might give me an indication. If only I could remember where I put it.