The name of a comedy tour to India 2008 by Sandy Gandhi.Recommend a google Sandy Gandhi.
Her tour now known From Bangalow to Bangalore.
Ron James trying to get her to the reunion.
I don't know, but I'd like to. The last time I met her was around at her place. She was with a wealthy pom with a jag, but that was 30 years ago. I think we three went off to dinner somewhere. I had heard that she went back to Melbourne, but I don't know if that's true.
Sorry Rocky; when I wrote the above I hadn't taken your advice and Googled Sandy Gandhi, so it didn't twig that she was really Sandra Ahrana aka Banana.
Well, I'll be darned. Good on her.
You probably all remember when she was briefly famous before. She was working in the Capricorn office at the time when an IRA bomb went off outside. It blew Mike Russell right across the office, and Sandy was interviewed about it by the BBC etc.
Hi Mike, Rocky, Shirley and Kit
lovely to hear that you are all well and kicking - i had a fun trip down memory lane today with Kit - I'm sure he'll tell you (nearly) all about it - right Kit?!
you can get hold of me via the contact thingy (sorry, I'm cyberlly challenged) on my website
would love to hear from you.
Namaste from Byron Bay
Sandy-ji (been called Sandy for many moons now)
Hi Vicar
Were you in London at the time? I'm not sure if we've met or not - i remember your name vividly but can't put a face to it - sorry! As my good friend Sandy Gandhi would say, "all you white guys look alike to me!"
This was the day I realised I could leap a short building in a single bound - a virtual super girl!
I sent this clip to Kit this morning - I discovered it last week - have just been asked to write an account of that day for a website (being put together to honour all the victims of the IRA bombings) by Ulster Uni in Derry, Northern Ireland. It's been good to see the clip and be able to talk about it with people who are interested in keeping the victims memories alive.
It was horrific - Nora Field was the elderly woman who died on the footpath outside one of the Capricorn offices and a young 18 yr old guy John Breslin died later in hospital.
may see you at the reunion later in the year at the Gold Coast.
Namaste from Byron Bay
I have a vague recollection of you, better revived after I saw the clip. I would not have seen a lot of you and if it was at the Albany hotel then everything and everybody was always a blur.
I don't know if you have visited the whole website but if you do at then you can see through the various pages what some of us looked like back then and then 30 plus years on.
Thanks Vicar, I have enjoyed the site - already had mail from Mike McDermott - we were good friends and it's great to be in touch again. Also good that so many great friendships were formed and thrived over the years - Kit got in touch yesterday after talking to Rocky on the site and my email has been banging much like a dunny door in the dark as the old adage goes.
Namaste from Byron Bay
PS - Have you sent Cas Graham the info - she has a long list of email addresses!