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FW: Finding Ken Phelan

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FW: Finding Ken Phelan

Johnno McCabe

Subject: RE: Finding Ken Phelan


Hi Kit,


I spoke to my friend  Marilyn and it turned out she knew of Ken through her friend Janice who was Ken’s girlfriend and went with him to the UK but split up whilst over there.

She believed they may have worked together in Parramatta possibly at the local council offices prior to their travels. Unfortunately she hasn’t had any word of him PS (post Sundowners) days.


Sorry couldn’t throw any other light on the missing KP but good luck in your search.


Catch up soon.






From: John McCabe [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Monday, 29 August 2016 9:33 PM
To: 'Kit Carr [via sundownersadventures]'
Subject: RE: Finding Ken Phelan


Greetings Kit,


Re finding Ken Phelan.


I have sent an email to my friend Marilyn that I used to work with in Ansett days. She spoke of knowing Ken Phelan but I don’t remember the connection.

Marilyn lived near Dural in Sydney’s north east suburbs but not sure if she knew Ken as a local.


I will let you know when she gets back to me.


Not too far away from the next reunion so looking forward to catching up again soon. I will be there on the Friday and Buddha is my room buddy. I hope he’s booked single beds!


Take care




From: Kit Carr [via sundownersadventures] [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Monday, 29 August 2016 5:28 PM
To: Johnno McCabe
Subject: Finding Ken Phelan


I am trying to locate Ken Phelan.

(Well Sue is doing all the searching)

Does anybody remember where he was from in Aus, What he did BS (Before Sundowners).

Anything that we can use to locate him

We have his birthdate and his passport number in 1977, but that hasn't helped so far.

He would be 75 now.



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Re: FW: Finding Ken Phelan

kit carr
Thanks for checking Johnno.

We know now that he is a Sydney lad, or was at least
