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Cam's Contribution

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Cam's Contribution

If you look down the menu towards the bottom you will see a new addition called "Cam Ford's Pictures".

I don't know about you but when these were shown at the reunion I had my head turned for most of the time. Take the time to see a fabulous collection of Cam's pictures, at your leisure, as they are vast and varied. Even the opening pics are worth reading to get an insight into the way the trail blazers had to find their way.
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Re: Cam's Contribution

Cam Ford
Thanks for the kind words Vicar - glad you like my pictures of the "Sundowner's" first overland trek from Bombay (I still call it that) to London and then on to Spain in 1964.  
You'll notice that it was called "The Overlanders" then, but Brian Powell changed the name after we got to London and kept getting mistaken for a pop group of the same name that also travelled around in a Commer van.
Great times, great fun and great people.  
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Re: Cam's Contribution

kit carr
Thanks for the photos Cam.

It was great to look at stuff that was way earlier than my time.
