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Beginnings with NAT Euro Tours

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Re: Beginnings with NAT Euro Tours

Brian Gray
Nah, All good, Simon.
Still enjoy the "odd" drink, however!!
Cheers, Mate!
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Re: Beginnings with NAT Euro Tours

In reply to this post by Brian Gray
Brian Gray, what an absolute pleasure it is to hear from you, I remember my first trip as a Driver like it was yesterday, it actually was November/December 1975, that is 40 years ago.
You did enjoy a beverage so I am relieved that you are well, no doubt sufffering old age like the rest of us.
I have been shocked that so many old NAT people have found my insignificant post and I encourage everybody to post memories of times unlikely to be repeated.
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Re: Beginnings with NAT Euro Tours

In reply to this post by Brian Gray
Hello Brian,

I've just had a look at this site (raining like mad today - so something to do) and I just read that you were on the NAT bus end of 1975.
Did you read my article on page 1 re going through Nth Africa starting 29th Oct 1975.  Were you on that bus?

Maybe you were on the next tour...we got back mid December (after 6 weeks).

Have a read of what I have written and let me know if you happened to be on that trip.

Wow it was a long time ago eh.
Simon was kind enough to put some old NAT pics on this site, so I've used them to complete my (scrapbook) of the arduous 6 weeks we had......wouldn't do it now the way the world is...we were lucky.
Keep well.
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Re: Beginnings with NAT Euro Tours

Bill O'Connor
I came across this site purely by accident what a surprise. A trip down memory lane. I was a NAT drive for 5 years from 1973 to November 1978. I remember Lea Trevor and who could forget Brian Grey. I also have lot of stories but no time to write them down some day. It was good to read the old stories.      
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Re: Beginnings with NAT Euro Tours

Black pete
In reply to this post by Marcia

Stumbled across your post this evening. I was on the same trip,sharing a tent with blond Pete. I have very fond memories of the 6 weeks, especially the hotel stays. My recollection was that half the bus enjoyed the chaos and the other half complained to London, hence the hotels.

I have some photos that have escaped the ravages of time. I will endeavour to figure out how to post them. I am not as tech savvy as some. How do l get access to posted photos?

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Re: Beginnings with NAT Euro Tours

If you have trouble after reading the instructions on how to post pictures on the picture page just write to me on [hidden email], I'll do my best to help you.

On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 6:05 PM, Black pete [via sundownersadventures] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Stumbled across your post this evening. I was on the same trip,sharing a tent with blond Pete. I have very fond memories of the 6 weeks, especially the hotel stays. My recollection was that half the bus enjoyed the chaos and the other half complained to London, hence the hotels.

I have some photos that have escaped the ravages of time. I will endeavour to figure out how to post them. I am not as tech savvy as some. How do l get access to posted photos?


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Re: Beginnings with NAT Euro Tours

In reply to this post by Trevor Sheahan
I remember trevor Sheehan well.
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Re: Beginnings with NAT Euro Tours

In reply to this post by Brian Gray
Anyone know derrick tanner
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Re: Beginnings with NAT Euro Tours

Bill O'Connor
I remember them both, and I remember you drinking my only bottle of Austrian Schnapps while sitting above the garage of Levasier, when I was getting the bus ready for my next trip. I seem to remember it took us a while to wake you up the next morning!!!.
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Re: Beginnings with NAT Euro Tours

Roger Rose
In reply to this post by Black pete
Hey Bill, remember the road we shouldn't have taken on the way to Bilbao Spain?  Big coaches and winding roads don't mix. Some great stories there. I was a NAT courier through 1976 and part '77.
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Re: Beginnings with NAT Euro Tours

Trevor Sheahan
In reply to this post by Bill O'Connor
Hey Bill (and Mary)- and other NAT "oldtimers. I have arranged a reunion in Kolsass-Weer for 25-29 Sep 2019. At the moment we have 30+ registered to attend. Most worked from 1976 through to the 80's.
For more information - search FB for NAT Oldtimers Reunion or contact me at austriatr@veldirect.com and I'll send reunion details.
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Re: Beginnings with NAT Euro Tours

Donova Bell
In reply to this post by Vicar
Hi..trying to contact the tour group of Nat European tour departed Approx 3rd May 1979 from Earl's court...9 weaker.went from west to Madrid to Turkey in the East and as far north as Brugge..back to London. Courier was a Rhodesian..Bill. shirt guy with dark wavy hair. Any advice appreciated..Thanks guys. I'm in South Africa. Email is dlb1507@gmail.com
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Re: Beginnings with NAT Euro Tours

Hi! There.

I recommend you ask to join the Sundowners 1964-1982 Facebook page and post it there.

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Re: Beginnings with NAT Euro Tours

Chris McAuley
In reply to this post by les jackson
I was on a tour in 76. I think it was a 9 weeker. Brian Gray was courier and Derrick tanner was driver. What a trip! It is absolutely amazing that I remember any of it! We had to chip in for food Kitty a second time because we spent the first on grog for a sangria party in Barcelona!
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Re: Beginnings with NAT Euro Tours

In reply to this post by Black pete
Hello Black Pete.....hope this is the right person I am replying to (2 years plus later).
I overlooked this message all that time ago....

How amazing to hear from someone who went on our mad trip.

I got a photo off this site by asking Vicar...it was just a photo of our bus.

I would love some photos, but I'm not on facebook only an email address.

Are you living overseas like some of the past travellers.

I came back to Sydney early 1976 and on one of my walks down towards Circular Quay, I saw Blonde Peter crossing the road......he looked at me a little confused and as ridiculous as it now seems, I didn't even stop him to have a chat nor him to me.
Humans are a little odd at times.
Love to hear from you Black Pete ... hope you are keeping well.

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Re: Beginnings with NAT Euro Tours

In reply to this post by Black pete
Hi Black Pete,

I'd love to get those photos....If I could hear back from you, perhaps you could email them to me. I also found a picture of the NAT bus that we were on, it is accessible on this site, but I have forgotten how to access it.
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Re: Beginnings with NAT Euro Tours

In reply to this post by Black pete
Hi again Black Pete??

I would love to get those photos, but not sure how to put on this site.

You could email them to me ....

On this site also, there is a picture of our old NAT bus.

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Re: Beginnings with NAT Euro Tours

In reply to this post by Brian Gray
Hi People who may have been on the 1975 NAT Tour from Earls Court October 28th 1975. Left Ramsgate to Calais arrived in Paris 28-10-75.
I am just naming the people who were on the bus - great if all are well and reading this.
Only know first names:
Jim and Marcia
Black Pete
Blonde Pete
Tony - maybe the driver
Brendan O'Keefe - the Bio Chemist who wrote down those hilarious notes (which I still have).
About 27 people eh.
Good luck if anyone remembers...it would be good to hear that we still remember.
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Re: Beginnings with NAT Euro Tours

Marcia again
In reply to this post by Black pete
Hello again Pete, I believe that you have to register to be able to upload pictures from your hard drive.

I managed it somehow, but had to copy the image to my computer (desktop)...made it easier to access.

I have uploaded a picture in  "Your Pictures" but I really need more.

Good luck.

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Re: Beginnings with NAT Euro Tours

Bill O'Connor
In reply to this post by Roger Rose
Hi Rodger, Glad to hear from you. I sure remember the Road to Bilbao (still have the nightmares) and the weeks I was stuck in San Sebastian waiting for the idiots in Amsterdam to authorise payment for the repairs. In the end I left the bus there and got on a train back to Amsterdam. Another story there. Glad you are still alive and kicking.