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Another Book

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Another Book

To be added to the books worth a read is "Shantaram" written by an Australian guy by the name of Gregory David Roberts. ISBN 987-1-7426-1107-5.

Set mainly in Bombay he travels to well known places in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. it takes place in the early 80's and thus takes into account the events at that time. Don't expect to read it in one afternoon as it is 933 pages long, all in fine print. Once finished it is big enough to be a brick or a solid doorstop.

Happy reading to those who might be interested.
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Re: Another Book

kit carr
Thanks Vicar.

It doesn't make my kindle look fat :-)

I will have a read
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Re: Another Book

In reply to this post by Vicar
 While we are in a literay mood I will add my  2 bobs worth , the Taliban Cricket Club is a good read  it tells the story of an unlikley escape from the Taliban in Kabul around the year 2000  written by Timeri N . Murari published by Allen and Unwin  , I cant remember much cricket being played in Kabul, but can relate to the story line in the book as you will if you read  it.
Cheers All