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2012 Reunion Pictures

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2012 Reunion Pictures

Even after my 2 attempts to get pictures of everyone I failed. Unfortunately not everyone got into my lens but I am sure someone would have captured the ones I missed.

If you have pictures can I ask you to send then direct to me, if you have several perhaps send them on a flash drive as jpegs. This way all the pictures can appear in the one place. If you go to the website look down the left hand column and the 3rd to last menu item is the “2012 reunion pictures”, click on that. You can only access the general “Your Pictures” page to post pictures, which is a great place for all your other pictures. I am the only one that can edit the other menu pages. When you get onto the pictures if you click on them they should enlarge. A film strip should appear across the bottom of your screen to show you the list of pictures. Click on these to move on and if they don't open up properly on the first click just click again.

I have other items that people gave me that will make their way up onto the site once I have sorted them and scanned them.

Trish just to let you know that I am having difficulties posting all the pics you gave me. If you could you send the ones that don’t appear as jpeg files. I have converted all the ones on the flash drive but they won’t load. I will keep trying but already I have tried a few times without success.

Thank you everyone for your contributions to my fabulous weekend, we must do it again sometime.

Now it is time to provide even further contributions on the website, as you can see there is a place to post your stories and a page to post other pictures. We all look forward to seeing your additions and watch the website fly.
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Re: 2012 Reunion Pictures

Just looked at all the Reunion pics, and found Ecka & Clap, only glad I could read their Name Tags or would not have recognised them.  Tks so much for sharing them.

CO32 July 1977 with Ecka & Clap. The Sydney contingent are having lunch at The Oaks Hotel Neutral Bay Sydney on Sat 16 February, if anyone would like to share it with us feel free to come along.

Robyn, Bill (Fang), Vicki, Jenny, Bev, Marilyn, will be attending.